Audio and Visuals: John Lee Richardson Indifferent Space Recordings
Equipment Used: Tachyons + Opti Glitch Roland CG-8 Video Synthesizer CYP DVM3 Digital Video Processor ACE Advanced Digital Video Colour Enhancer Panasonic AG-735
TV IDENT Previously Unreleased Logo Tone 13 by The Hatcliffe House Tapes
Audio and Visuals: John Lee Richardson Indifferent Space Recordings 2015
Equipment Used: Tachyons + Opti Glitch Roland CG-8 Video Synthesizer CYP DVM3 Digital Video Processor ACE Advanced Digital Video Colour Enhancer Panasonic AG-7350
This is the last lot of Hatcliffe House Tapes that are left in stock: Artist Volume Length Colour Stock ................................................................... Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 01......C90......Green......SOLD OUT Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 02......C60......Yellow.....x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 03......C60......Red........x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 04......C60......Pale Blue..SOLD OUT Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 05......C60......White......x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 06......C60......Orange.....SOLD OUT Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 07......C60......Pink.......x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 08......C60......Purple.....x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 09......C60......Blue.......x2 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 10......C60......Black......x2 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 11......C60......Grey.......SOLD OUT Hatcliffe House Tapes - Volume 12......C60......Clear......x1 Hatcliffe House Tapes - Full Series....12xCass..Boxset.....SOLD OUT After these have sold out....The Hatcliffe House Tape series will only be available on CD, unless there is enough demand for a reissue in the future. Send emails for reissue/availability requests to: New Reissues coming soon at Indifferent Space Recordings:
Previously only available on Digital / Mini CD and CD Format, this will be the first run on Cassette or full size CD for these particular releases from the back catalog.
Cat No. Artist Release Title Format ................................................................... IDS001....Acrelid..........Abrasion On Sound......C45 Cassette IDS002....Oscillopeisia....Satallites Of Mars.....C45 Cassette IDS005....Oscillopeisia....Cosmica EP.............C35 Cassette / CD IDS013....Acrelid..........Do You Listen...EP.....C35 Cassette / CD IDS019....Acrelid..........Music 2000 Trax........C60 Cassette / CD Indifferent Space Recordings: